SimCity update 7 is being deployed as I type this. The cool simulation improvements in this patch were announced previously, but EA remained relatively tight-lipped about the free DLC being included.

Update 7 will include ‘Houses of Worship,’ which will appear alongside the other city specialization buildings. They hold two services per day, with a capacity of 200 Sims per service. Sims who attend service will leave with happiness. When you delete any house of worship, there’s a chance you’ll trigger a disaster.
Each church will have a special event, such as a wedding ceremony. It’s also been reported that destroying a church can trigger a natural disaster.
I am using the version for mac. how do I access and add in the houses of worship?
They were included in the patch. If you don’t have them, maybe have a look through Origin.
But where do I find them in the game itself?
Oops, found it. Click the City Specialization menu, then click “Culture.”